Published: Tuesday, 21 July 2020 14:39
Welcome back everyone to Term 3. It's going to be a busy term, all school sport is back and sporting competitions will be in full swing this term. There are a number of themed weeks organised during Term 3 as well and these will kick off with STEM Week. Our STEM Committee has organised an exciting week of fun lunchtime STEM activities from 27 to 31 July. During the week our girls can learn how to program and control robots, make their own lava lamps and do it yourself slime, play Numbers games, build the highest marshmallow tower and take part in the very interestingly named 'How to Make the Egg Survive' Physics challenge. While all this is going on our Year 12 Social Studies class, as a social action project, is running a Whole School Food Bin Drive culminating in a mufti day on Friday 31st July with all proceeds going to the Auckland City Mission.