

Upcoming Events


22.10.2024 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm
MATES Graduation

The Curriculum at Auckland Girls’ Grammar School is designed to provide our students with learning experiences that lead to academic success and build their capacity for independent and life-long learning. The pathway from a broad and well-balanced junior curriculum, to expanding choices in the senior school, allows students to explore various options and identify their strengths and talents before they begin to specialise.

The New Zealand Curriculum (2007) is the official document that sets the direction for student learning and curriculum design at Auckland Girls Grammar School, with each of the eight Learning Areas defined in this document being delivered via a Faculty within the school:

  • Arts (A)
  • English (E)
  • Health and Physical Education (PE)
  • Languages (L)
  • Mathematics (M)
  • Sciences (S)
  • Social Sciences (SS)
  • Technology (T)

Each of the eight faculties is led by a Faculty Co-ordinator who is a member of the Faculty Board, the leadership group that is responsible for the design and delivery of Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting in the school.

From our Video Library


English Language Assistance (ESOL)

We offer a comprehensive range of ESOL classes to support students at all levels of English acquisition from beginners to UE Literacy.